Rules & Regulations

Before Event: Registration, Payment, and Preparation

  • Deadline for Entries: All entries and payments must be received in full by January 8th, 2025. Registrations made after this date will incur a 10% late fee.
  • Limited Space: Studios are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis due to limited space.
  • Non-Refundable Fees: Entry fees are non-refundable. Credit may be issued in the name of the studio for unforeseeable medical issues with a doctor’s note (valid for one year). No refunds for entry cancellations.
  • Independent Entries: No independent entries are allowed.
  • ODE’s Right to Change: The One Dance Experience (ODE) reserves the right to add, change, or cancel tour dates if necessary. ODE may also refuse, cancel, or limit registrations, and change the format or location of events. Cancellations may occur due to insufficient registration, at ODE’s discretion.
  • Music Submission: Music must be uploaded online two weeks prior to the event through DanceBUG (Step 6 – Music). Music cannot be changed on the day of the competition and should be in .MP3 or .M4a format. Backup music is recommended.
  • Waiver Submission: All dancers must submit a waiver one week before the event through DanceBUG. Dancers without signed waivers will not be eligible to participate.
  • Media Consent: By agreeing to the Terms & Conditions, participants grant The One Dance Experience permission to use any photos or videos taken at the event for social media, the website, or promotional materials. This includes platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

During Event: Event Participation and Performance Guidelines

  • Arrival and Check-In: Upon arrival, studio owners and teachers must pick up their event packages.
  • Performance Readiness: Dancers must be ready to perform 30 minutes before their scheduled time and report to the ODE Stage Manager four numbers before their routine.
  • Performance Order: All routines must perform in the scheduled order. Any exceptions require approval from the ODE backstage manager, and the performance must occur before the category’s end.
  • Safety Regulations: The use of baby powder and other substances is prohibited, except for rosin.
  • Backstage Access: Parents are not allowed backstage during the competition.
  • Theatre Regulations: Food and drinks are prohibited in theatres unless otherwise stated.
  • Studio Responsibility: Studios are accountable for any damages to theatre change rooms. ODE is not responsible for any personal belongings, costumes, or dance apparel left behind.
  • Conduct Expectations: Harassment or unruly behavior will not be tolerated and may result in disqualification.
  • Video and Photography Policy: Photography and videography are strictly prohibited in the theatre, as professional services are provided. Free downloads of all photos and videos will be available via the DanceBUG App.
  • Communication Protocol: Studio directors or teachers should reach out to ODE at for any issues.

Judging and Competition Rules

  • Content Guidelines: Any routine with suggestive or inappropriate content will incur a 3-mark deduction and may face disqualification.
  • Soloist Qualification: Each soloist must be registered in at least one group routine to be eligible for high score awards.
  • Judging Finality: All judging results are final and non-negotiable.
  • Routine Restrictions: Dancers cannot compete against themselves in the same performance style and category. If a dancer has two routines in the same style, the second must be entered in the next age division unless an alternative category is available.
  • Second Attempts: A second performance attempt is permitted only for technical issues, and if time allows.
  • Tie-Breaking Procedure: In the event of a tie for overall awards, adjudicators will determine the winning routine at their discretion.
  • Award Distribution: Cash awards may be issued by cheque or E-transfer. Credit awards will be applied to the studio’s account.
  • Adjudication Delivery: Video adjudications will be emailed to studios once the event concludes.


Acro: Routine incorporating 50% acrobatic technique and tricks and 50% dance technique.


Breakdance: Breakdance is an energetic street dance characterized by acrobatic moves, intricate footwork, and expressive routines performed to hip-hop music.


Cirque: Routine with a majority of acrobatic and circus technique. This includes canes, contortion, aerial hoop, clowning etc.


Classical Ballet: Routine utilizing classical ballet technique. Demi-pointe only.


Contemporary: Routine demonstrating exploration of ballet training and combines elements of various dance styles, prioritizing expression, fluidity, and versatility in movement.


Contemporary Ballet: Routine fusing classical ballet techniques with modern dance elements, emphasizing freedom of movement and individual expression.


Demi-character: Routine using ballet technique to portray a character.


Street Dance: Routine consisting of hip hop, popping, or any other street dance technique.


Jazz: A high-energy routine incorporating jazz technique including jumps, turns and kicks.


Lyrical: Routine combines ballet and jazz techniques and lyrics/music to express emotion. Balance, control, and extension should be demonstrated.


Modern:Routine diverging from ballet, blends techniques like contraction, release, and improvisation, encompassing styles such as Graham, Cunningham, Horton, and Limón, emphasizing freedom and emotion.

Musical Theatre: Prerecorded vocals with lip-synching and dramatization. Emphasis on theatrics and facial expression.


National/Traditional: A routine of national origin as well as traditional cultural routines. (Ie: Chinese, Highland, Salsa, Tango)


Open: This category is for any routine that does not seem appropriate in any of the above listed categories.


Pointe: A routine where 30% or more of the dancers are on pointe or 50% or more of the routine is performed on pointe. This division is to be calculated utilizing overall years of ballet training.


Production: A production can consist of any combination of dance or musical theatre disciplines. There is no age or division for productions. Productions are a minimum of 6 minutes and a maximum of 10 minutes. An extra 5 minutes will be provided for prop set up and take down.


Song & Dance: A routine that involves both singing and dancing. Pre-recorded vocals are not permitted.


Student Choreography: A routine where dancers have choreographed their own routine (or choreographed by another student under the age of 18). This category is an open category for dancers performing a routine of any discipline.


Tap: No prerecorded tap sounds permitted.


Music Interpretation: A suitable piece of music will be chosen for each group by the adjudicator. Each competitor will enter the theatre separately, hear the music once, and then dance to the music the second time they hear it. Entrants are not required to have a costume for this category. (Proper dance attire will be suitable) All competitors Must be present at the start of the category in order to hear the music choice.


Inclusive Performance: This is for routines seeking a special performance category for any unique situation. This may include routines such as wheelchair dance routines, blind/deaf, and/or any other special circumstance that requires it’s own category but does not warrant being placed in to the “Open” division. The Performance division is for adjudication only. Routines entering this division should contact us in advanced for any special arrangements to be made or if any accessibility concerns arise.


Adult Division: Any routine where the average age of all dancers is 19 or up. Routines may be any dance form. Solo/Duo/Trios – ONE or more dancers aged 19 and over.  Groups – TWO or more dancers aged 19 and over.




All entries will be scored by a panel of three adjudicators, with a maximum score of 100 points per judge. Performance is evaluated on the following elements.
  • Execution/Precision
  • Technique
  • Performance/Stage Presence
  • Choreography
  • Overall Appearance
All special awards will be judged by our Special Awards Judge
Each award session will include:
First, second, third will be announced per category.
Every dancer will receive a medal.
Most Potential Award
Most Entertaining Award
Top Choreography
THE ONE of the Session (Highest score of the session)


Silver 79.99 & Lower
High Silver 80-84.9
Gold 85-89.9
High Gold 90-94.9
Distinction 95 & Higher


Rising Star Scoring:
Gold 75-85
High Gold 86-100

Overall Awards

Levels & Ages



  • Rising Star – First & second year competing
  • Competitive – 3-5 years of competing. 4 or fewer hours of training a week.
  • Elite – 6+ years of competing. / 5+ hours of training a week.


Age Divisions:


  • Petite: 4-6 years
  • Mini: 7-9 years
  • Junior: 10-12 years
  • Intermediate: 13-15 years
  • Senior: 16-18 years
  • Adult: 19+ years
All ages as of December 31st, 2024

Time Limits

  • Solo/Duo’s/Trio’s: 3 minutes max.
  • Small Group: 4 minutes max.
  • Large Group/Line: 5 minutes max.
  • Production: 10 minutes max. $50 fee for an additional 5 minutes.


Small groups consist of 4-9 dancers.
Large groups consist of 10-16 dancers.
Lines consist of 17+ dancers.
There will be a fee of $25 for every minute over.


The One Showdown


The ONE Showdown is set to dazzle at the close of our spectacular event, featuring encore performances from all chosen routines.

Now, here’s where the excitement amps up:
The ONE Title:
– Studios with 10+ Competitive or Elite group entries: Minimum 2 groups competing.
– Studios with 5-9 entries: One group competes.
– Studios with less than 5 entries might be chosen as wild cards.
– Two wild cards may be chosen by our adjudicators  – Routines are chosen based on entertainment value and judge’s choice, not by score.

NEW THIS SEASON: The ONE Junior Title!
– Open to Petite, Mini, and Junior groups.
– Minimum 1 entry per studio.
– Two winners will be announced: The ONE Jr (12& Under) and The ONE Sr (13& Over).
– Both winners receive a banner and a cash prize.

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